
Welcome to the Course Website for EN.580.428 Genomic Data Visualization!

As the primary mode through which analysts and audience members alike consume data, data visualization remains an important hypothesis generating and analytical technique in data-driven research to facilitate new discoveries. However, if done poorly, data visualization can also mislead, bias, and slow down progress. This hands-on course will cover the principles of perception and cognition relevant for data visualization and apply these principles to genomic data, including large-scale single-cell and spatially-resolved omics datasets, using the R statistical programming language. Students will be expected to complete class readings, create weekly data visualizations as homework assignments, and make a major class presentation.

Course Information

Course Staff: Prof. Jean Fan and Rafael dos Santos Peixoto
Lectures: 8:00am-9:50am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. See Canvas for location details.
Office Hours: 10:00am-10:50am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. See Canvas for location details.

Course Details
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All Visualizations

CCND1 Expression vs ERBB2 Expression

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data for the expression counts of ERBB2 and CCND1, as well as the quantitative data for the cell area of...

The highest expression of the top 10 highly expressed genes

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression count of the top 10 highly expressed genes in the eevee dataset, quantitative data of the...

Correlation of Transcription Factor Expression with Cell and Nucleus Area

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing the quantitative data of the expression count of the FOXA1 gene for each cell, quantitative data of the expression count of...

Locations of CB4 Expression

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing CB4 gene expression count (quantitative data) and location of its expression (spatial data).

HW1 Submission: Visualizing Locations of Different Gene Expressions

[description] For my data visualization, I analyzed 15 different genes and displayed the proportion of genes expressed in a certain spot, also showing their location. I have spatial data that...

Visualizing the Mean-Variance Trend in the Eevee Dataset

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative and categorical data. The quantitative data is the mean and variance of gene expression for all genes, while the categorical...

Expression of WRN and RECQL4 versus x and y position in Spacial-barcode bead capture

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the expression count of the WRN gene for each spot, quantitative data of expression count of the RECQL4...

CCDC80 spatial expression

What data types are you visualizing? In the following plot, quantitative data of the expression count of the CCDC80 gene for each cell was generated. X and Y coordinates were...

Most Expressed Genes in Breast Cancer Tissue Single Cell Spatial Transcriptomic Data

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing spatial data regarding the x,y centroid positions for each cell, and I am visualizing the categorical data representing the most expressed...

Spatial variation in proportion of genes expressed in smFISH

I am visualizing the spatial variation of the proportion of total number of genes expressed by a cell. The proportion is computed for each cell as the number of genes...

A Spatial Plot of POSTN Levels in Breast Cancer Tissue

What data types are you visualizing? I wanted to visualize quantitative data in regards to the gene expression for POSTN, the most expressed gene on average across all the cells,...

Spatial Distribution of Gene Expression

What data types are you visualizing? I am visualizing quantitative data of the log-10-transformed expression level of the TP53 gene, quantitative data of the total gene expression at each spot,...